Myat Mingalar Hotel i Naypyidaw Union Territory

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Shwe Kyar Pin Street, Naypyidaw Union Territory, MM Mjanma (Birma)
Kontakter telefon: +95 67 421 700
Latitude: 19.7211358, Longitude: 96.1202302
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Kommentar 5

  • Ian Thompson

    Ian Thompson


    Faded glory, smoking allowed, and English not spoken here In my defense, someone else booked this place for me – or I would never have stayed here. Even though this hotel is only a few years old, it is falling into disrepair with peeling paint, faded woodwork, leaky roofs and failing infrastructure – like internet. The grounds are mostly well-kept around many of the buildings, with the rooms in many buildings and spread over several hectares. However, in my room, the bathroom smelled constantly of sewer gas, even after I covered up the drains and complained. The room had no chairs, making desk work impossible without asking for a chair to be sent over, and there were no easy chairs despite a very large room. The hotel advertises that they have a gym – but it hasn’t been used in years and it is over-run with spiders, bugs and lizards, the AC doesn’t work, and the exercise machines are in disrepair. My TV barely worked and there was only a single, very fuzzy English channel anyway. But, perhaps most annoying of all was the Chinese-only menu offered for dinner, in a dining room where people were smoking. So, unless you smoke, speak and read Mandarin, and like the odour of sewer gas, then you should probably look elsewhere.

  • muhammad rizal

    muhammad rizal


    It's really nice hotel. Room is clean and Thei food is tasty

  • 賴燦隆




  • Kyaw Thura Maung

    Kyaw Thura Maung


    Four star hotel.

  • Chit ko ko

    Chit ko ko



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