King & Queen Hotel i Monywa

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Kyauk Kar Road, new Kyauk Kar Traffic LiIght, Yan Kin Community, Monywa, Monywa 11101, Myanmar (Burma)
Kontakter telefon: +95 71 21 434
Latitude: 22.1134189, Longitude: 95.1391125
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Kommentar 5

  • Thein Soe

    Thein Soe


    This is second time staying here. It is an affordable hotel. The staff are willingly to assist what the customer needs although they are not much profession.

  • Amonsak sriwilai

    Amonsak sriwilai


    Nice room with reasonable price. But personnels lacks language skills.

  • Ted Patrick Boglosa

    Ted Patrick Boglosa


    Amazing and exceptional service fro the hotel staff! The room requested had an amazing view of the town of Monywa!

  • Megaworld Asia

    Megaworld Asia


    One of the better hotels in Monywa and well priced for what is essentially a 3 star hotel. The staff were friendly and helpful regarding tours around monywa. Wifi a bit slow at times. Breakfasts are for Asian tastes, not western. Plenty of rice and noodles. Restaurants in the area are a few hundred meters away. Ask the staff for directions.

  • Angelique Smit

    Angelique Smit


    A hotel with fast internet and very helpful staff at the counter. We didn't stay here and we were sorry for not. English is reasonable but their willingness makes up for it all!

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