Horizon Lake View Resort i Naypyitaw

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Myanmar (Birmania), Naypyitaw, Taw Win Yadanar Road, National Guest House Zone, Dekhinathiri Township
Kontakter telefon: +95 67 810 5118
Hjemmeside: horizonlakeviewresort.com-myanmar.com
Latitude: 19.6960455, Longitude: 96.1024094
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Kommentar 5




    One of the best hotel in Naypyitaw woth spacious suite rooms feel like home away from home. Buffet Breakfast is very rich. Value for money, will come again next time.

  • Nyi Nyi Zaw

    Nyi Nyi Zaw


    Located in hotel zone one where is accessable place near shopping center. Room rate is fair and get amazing facilities. Hotel service is good and breakfast is fantastic. Including big lake with beautiful landscaping. Conclusion, it's a good place to stay in Nay Pyi Taw.

  • Yuan John

    Yuan John


    If you are looking for a hotel with high CP ratio then this is it. It is great for not only business but also a family vacation. Beside the internet access speed needs to be reinforce which is a common problem in this town. Remember to try the gem and swimming pool. The breakfast is nice with most everything even for a vegetarian can feel appreciated.

  • Myo Min Oo

    Myo Min Oo


    Gorgeous and spacious rooms with reasonable prices. Only thing that bugged me was their slow Wifi.

  • Yuli Anggoro

    Yuli Anggoro


    Really nice hotel, have good view in the morning, good room, good service. Really recommended...

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