National Museum i Naypyitaw

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Yaza Thingaha Road, Naypyitaw, Myanmar (Burma)
Kontakter telefon: +95 9 250 701 353
Latitude: 19.77722, Longitude: 96.140783
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Kommentar 5

  • satish kumar

    satish kumar


    Good place to learn & know about Myanmar & ASEAN

  • Muhammad Irsyad Alfatih

    Muhammad Irsyad Alfatih


  • Hasith Saranga Wickramage

    Hasith Saranga Wickramage


  • Brett Gardner

    Brett Gardner


    Shockingly bad museum with few things to see beyond pottery, some musical instruments, and a bunch of photographs on the wall of future exhibits they want to show. Most of the museum has NOT been completed. It's just empty, unfinished buildings that the military government has spent millions of dollars partially building for no apparent reason. There is no information on 19th or 20th century Burma and no mention of the military junta or the coup d'etat that brought them to power or the suppression that they have employed to maintain power. Nothing about Aung San Suu Kyi either. Nothing about the English colonial occupatipn or the struggle for independence. This is a silly museum with minimal information beyond the 16th century and little that most or us want to learn in a museum. Don't come here expecting much or you will be disappointed. I visited on a Sunday and there were three other people visiting the museum. That provides insight on how pointless it is.

  • Viet Anh Hoang

    Viet Anh Hoang


    Love the stone age and bronze collection. Modern art collection feature a very unique painting style. Worth a visit.

Nærmeste Museum:

White Elephants - Nay Pyi Taw

Pobba Thiri Township
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